Your name is Dohna Brooks. The year is 2005. You decide to join a company that claims to research abandoned places, and their history with the paranormal. Although, the job you signed up for seems to be a cover-up. They leave you isolated on Treasure Island, a desolated Disney resort that was abandoned years ago due to various controversial incidents.
The research you do is nothing besides watching over overgrown rooms with dusty costumes and rusted scrap metal. They suspiciously want you to find and take any remnant of exclusive merch as well. What they didn't tell you were the risks you're taking. The only thing that can help you is your laptop, and your common sense. You explore your surroundings and begin finding signs telling you that you aren't safe here, scratching on doors, desks rummaged through. something has made its presence shown, and its surely looking for you.

Expedition-2005 is a modern reimagining of the original Five Nights at Treasure Island, taking heavy inspiration from the 5.0 era of the game's development. Remade with new ideas, better visuals, improved sound design, and a more atmospheric and tense gameplay loop.

@velvetThespooky - director, character and environmental modeler
@Steamboat-Studios - directing help, ideas, writer, sound designer
@ChromieWomie - coding, modeling
@deadwin151 - composer, Concept artist
@BluRabbit - concept artist
@NikolakisPapanikolaou - coding
@Artistmonster24 - feedback
#fivenightsattreasureisland #fnati #fnati2005 #expedition2005 #fnatiexpedition #fnaf #horror #fangame