
Comments (26)

What do you think?

I just think you should make a genesis hack of this its way easier theres a guide on sonic retro or use a sonic 1, 2, or 3 disasmbly its a hard and easier way to hack sonic 1 2 or 3 and knuckles. But making a fan game has some stress but making a hack has lots of limitations.

download or no

Is this game dead???

Good luck in the developing!

It Says "Battle" On The Title, Will There Be Race Or Battle Mode?


Sonic Adventure 2 Genesis Edition

Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago
A voice file filled with things to get you started.

Here it is, the Sonic Adventure 2 being re-imagined in the Genesis Era, the good old days of Sonic. Based on the original Sonic Adventure 2. This game isn't made for profit, this game don't exactly have fancy developers working on it either. What you see is what you get, people who wanted fun, so DON'T EXPECT A CHAO GARDEN. #fangame

Credits: (Always gets updated constantly): Me with my awesome Gmate Engine. Toei Metal Sonic: Oldum 77 ( for inspiration of making games, and helping me find Gmate. Pvic for making Gmate.

The idea of this game is being Imagined by ME.

Credit of the story goes to


This isn't gonna happen In a while.

Still working.