Comments (1)
No comments? well i'll fix that.
This was a interesting and frustrating experience. you have the option to pick a male or female and make a movie. picking a female makes this goal more difficult. preferring female characters and curious about the extra challenge i went with that. i ended up failing but it was interesting thinking about the choices that led to the outcome i got and what could have been done differently.
The art was really well done which created a stronger atmosphere for the experience.
As for the dislikes, 2 major things in a VN style game. when i saved it would go to the beginning of a act instead of stay where i currently am in the story.
the next is that there is no chat log. so if for some reason you wanted a quick refreshment on what just happened you'd either have to reload. or restart the experience. in the event that saves worked like they probably should.
as as a subjective issue the dialog. things like "the hell" or fucking when used out out the correct context bother me.
fucking should only ever be used to describe the act of sex. and hell is a location described in the bible.
i don't mind the use of words as long as they are used in a logical way.
I'd recommend people that are interested in visual novels to check this out. even tho i don't care about the film industry the world here still immersed me in it. the developer did a great job.
other spoilers
at the end i appealed to the 3 people who made complaints. so it didn't make sense Alex would be angry at me.
there might have been at least 1 or 2 other moments that did not make sense. but i forgot.
Egomaniac - The Visual Novel
EGOMANIAC is a morally charged, narrative-adventure game with a Killer Concept.
You’re Fresh out of film-school and set to make your independent debut feature film. Only one catch.
You can’t finance it. In the game Egomaniac, you will need to barter Compromise Points (or CP) against your sanity, to keep enough money to stay alive, but sane enough to not end up behind bars.
Can you handle the sleazy producers, the dodgy distributors and the nasty, backstabbing world of the indie filmmaker?
Based on the award winning film by Kate Shenton.
Made with Unity & the Fungus Interactive Narrative System.
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor