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Elemental Gems: Awakenment Tester

Version: 0.1.0almost 5 years ago

In a realm filled with mystery, a being of another time sets it's sights on the destruction of the planet it's creator has put much time into maintaining. Taking possession of a fearful demi-god, and set on a war path to plunge the world into chaos and a wasteland of death, the only thing that can stop it is the combined efforts of the most powerful army in the lands.

You are but a young recruit to the army's ranks, but you will do your part to aid the efforts of the war to some come, be it fighting the battles of the ever growing forces this evil being commands, assigning the army movements, helping amass supplies and weapons for the upcoming battles, or planting strategic traps for the enemies to walk into... but before you can do any of these efforts, you must prove yourself.

Credit given to those who have aided in helping... and those who give me feedback and aid in testing will also be credited in some degree when I get farther along. Be it a character inside the game, a item, spell, attack or weapon, or even just their name in the credit roll.

#adventure #rpg

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor

So I already have some stuff I wanna put into for the next part of the game. I want to of course add more missions and quests, but how would people feel about romance options?

Today I move out of the devlog and into early access, if anyone has any issues or finds a bug... please comment and let me know.

A tester demo will be available soon, like within the next day or so... maybe earlier depending on when I can get it uploaded. I'm still tweaking a few things be it minor issues, but I should have it all worked out by now.

Not sure if adding class change and subclasses into the demo, may just sideline that idea until I get player feedback.

Guardsmen should never strike a lady, regardless of their rank or if they are questioning their motives and state of well being... Sergeant can be a bit of an arsehat.