Comments (11)
Great potential! The controls are a bit awkward and it would benefit from a cross-hair to see exactly where you're looking, but overall a pretty good game!
Short, but AWESOME I gotta say this is the best puzzle game I've played in a while the graphics are amazing and the puzzles were well made for a person who made it in a few days should add more levels in the future.
looks pretty cool
Overall, not bad! Most of the mechanics work pretty well and the momentum was great. Felt like a good punishment for messing up, losing all your speed like that. The only real problem I found was how inconsistent the wall run was. Sometimes I'd attach, sometimes I wouldn't, sometimes I'd be able to jump, sometimes I'd fall off. Because of how often it's required it ended up being a pretty big detriment to the game, but with some consistency fixes, this could be great!
Eternal Horizon
First person parkour game made in 7 days for the Unreal Engine Megajam 2018. The goal of the game is to collect a set number of spheres placed across the map in the fastest time possible.
Version 1.2 adds a new level in honor of the MegaJam's completion. Congrats to all the finalists!
Version 1.1.1 increases movement acceleration speed (by about 1.5s) and increases the distance you can wallrun from an idle. (from 2m to 4m)
Version 1.1 adds an extra level, bug fixes, controller support and an options menu.
Required Specs:
I average around 150fps with a 3.5ghz i5, 12gb of ram and a gtx 1070.
-3 levels + tutorial
-360/Xbone controller support
-Wallruns, rolls, ledge grabbing
Known Issues:
Textures pop in on level start often with hitching. This can cause some issues when trying to do a speedrun of the level. I recommend loading the level, quitting or completing it and then immediately restarting the level.
Check out other Megajam 2018 entries here:
Thanks for playing!