Comments (5)
Check out my review video:
I haven't played too much yet just about an hour and a half. For how little I've played I'm really impressed with what you've done! The title screen is fancy The dialogue is cohesive the story is a bit confusing but I'm starting to understand it better. The characters thus far are great and all have their own personalities that differ. I wish there was a bit more use for gold but as I said I haven't played much yet. The battle system is innovative yet still classic enough to feel like an rpg. I like how all the characters flow in battle with each other thus far. All in all with how little I've played I am in love with this game. This feels like I'm not just playing a game but that I'm there with the characters. I am amazed at how well this is made (toward the beginning at least). Well done. I will continue to play this game seeing as how this is the only rpg on gamejolt that has grabbed my attention and made me love it so quickly. I will be recommending this game to friends upon completion if everything holds up as it is now. Well done 8/10 just for the confusing story but this may change later on as I complete this game.
I have noticed that with the skill name update that the skill Frenzied Barrage IV is clipping with the cost of the skill, not sure if the lower variants of the skill clips with the cost and thought I should let it be known. Not really much of a bother to me but others may have an issue with the this.
Eternal Twilight v1.1.1
This game is very challenging and requires a lot of attention to detail, strategic game play, and character equipment/skill management to succeed!
The genocide of the magi has begun. The Empire has spread it's reign around the globe. Why now though? After all these centuries of peace, why would the Empire want to eradicate the magi from existence? Is it truly out of fear for the powers that magi can posses, or is it something far more sinister...?
Eternal Twilight is an old-school styled fantasy RPG with a Turn-Based battle system. I have made much use of the plethora of amazing scripts that Yanfly has created for the MV system to bring a battle system that is familiar, yet original in its own right. I am a firm believer of quality over quantity when it comes to designing a battle system and the types of skills a player has at their disposal. The battle system in Eternal Twilight features the following:
Unique weapon/armor system, where enemy drops will "randomly select" a rarity for the item dropped, granting bonus stats to that item! Legendary Bronze Sword anyone? YES PLEASE!
Intelligent enemy AI that will keep the player on their toes. The AI will respond according to the player's actions to make sure "LOL-SPAM ATTACK" will lead to the players demise.
Resource management will be key to success. There are ZERO MP regenerating items, so it is up to the player to make sure they are using the party abilities intelligently.
Skills come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from Instant cast spells that don't consume the character's turns, to very powerful attacks, buffs, and heals that have cooldowns, making sure the player strategically chooses when to use certain abilities.
This and much more!
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Simulated Gambling