
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Piękna gra

Bombowa gra

kiedy wyjdzie zwiastun czy coś np beta gameplay

столько крутых игр, И НЕ ОДНОЙ ВЫШЕДШЕЙ, надеюсь автор не забросит свою игру и доделает её

#fnaf #fangame #funny #meme #poland #polska #polish

Żarty pokroju "Twoja Mama"... To wszystko przez to.

Pierwszy dzień wakacji a wszystkie bliskie Ci osoby zwariowały!

Przetrwasz ten chaos - to tylko parę dni.. prawda?


Jokes like "Yo mama"... It's all because of this.

First day of vacation and all your loved ones are crazy!

You will survive this chaos - it's only a few days... right?

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Hey! It's me and another reminder of me being alive


Just for Your information - I am alive and I remember about the game. Im sorry that the expected time of release did not work out. Many things, such as the game concept have at least slightly changed so the time of release is unknown for now. Alegz out.

So basically I have invited a friend to the project. We have got many ideas for the game and a ton of possible features, but nothing is final yet, so don't expect too much. Hang in there while we discuss anything and implement what we think will work.

Pracowałem bardzo ciężko. Mam zrobione biuro, system czasu i teraz biorę się za kamery. Jestem mega zmęczony ale trzeba.

I worked very hard. I have the office done, the time system and now I'm doing cameras. I'm super tired but I have to.