Comments (38)
wait when did this come out??? i played the first one on scratch like 4 years ago this is awesome
can i pls get the sb3 file? i know a website that can package it into html so i can use it on my chromebook.
Doesn't launch.
Sometimes Game Crashs Please Fix This Bug .
And Add Fixed Mangle Skin If You Can .
FF:R2 - EXE DOWNLOAD | Version 1.1.1 (LATEST)
Download the ZIP file and extract it. Start the game by opening the EXE file found inside. REMEMBER TO SAVE THE GAME FREQUENTLY, THERE IS NO AUTOSAVE!
Game Soundtrack
Alchemist's Fantasy Remix (Main Menu Music)

Fazbear Fighters: Remastered 2 (or FF:R2 for short) is a #fnaf arcade, retro-style fighter game that HUGELY expands upon it's original game. Play as one of 16 characters, all with unique movesets, to battle against endoskeletons! Traverse through 3 Worlds, each with 5 levels and a unique boss fight (with more to come in the future).

This game has a small story which will be expanded upon when more Worlds are added. There has been an outbreak of agony in multiple locations around the Fazbear Universe. This agony is giving life to endoskeletons and props, wreaking havoc. You as a Fazbear Fighter must take down these armies and discover the source of this agony. Fight through waves and defeat bosses along the way and you will soon find the key...

There are a total of 16 characters that you can choose and play as:
Purple Guy: Quick, nimble and easy to pick up.
Freddy: Excels at hitting through crowds of enemies.
Bonnie: Is great at multi-tasking against multiple enemies.
Chica: Can cover the entire battlefield with high damage.
Foxy: Brilliant at one on one combat.
Golden Freddy: Has the ability to possess certain enemies.
Puppet: Able to slow down many enemies across the battlefield.
Balloon Boy: Can fire balloons from afar while out of danger.
Baby: Does extremely high damage with the cost of slow attack speed.
Mangle: A tank who can half the health of any enemies that hits them.
Ennard: Uses his shock to damage many enemies at once.
Dreadbear: Able to deal bleed damage to multiple enemies.
Toy Freddy: Deals huge damage up close.
Toy Bonnie: Hugely knocks around enemies.
Toy Chica: Able to completely stun enemies.
Funtime Freddy: Deals huge damage when paired with Bon Bon.
All characters can be levelled up and upgraded after playing with them. Earn Faz-Coins to purchase 10 unlockable skins, some giving you some fancy custom voice lines (plus a bonus GOLDEN SKIN for maxing them out to level 20). Have a chance at unlocking Perks for your character, giving you minor buffs to help you along the way.

Most of the Voice Actors from the original game have reprised their roles, as well as there being some new ones too!
Purple Guy - FoxyTheVA
Freddy - Stuffed Caleb
Bonnie - Sinfulmaster7
Chica - New York Rose
Foxy - FoxyTheVA
Golden Freddy - Himself
Puppet - SkellyVA
Balloon Boy - Minecrafter0986
Circus Baby - New York Rose
Mangle - FoxyTheVA
Ennard - Sinfulmaster7 (Funtime Freddy) / New York Rose (Baby + Ballora) / FoxyTheVA (Funtime Foxy)
Dreadbear - Krieger0
Toy Freddy - FredFazTK
Toy Bonnie - Crafty-HQ (Me)
Toy Chica - Megthelovabledork
Funtime Freddy - Sinfulmaster7
Bon Bon - New York Rose
BOSS 1 (Mr Cupcake) - Nathan Wagner
BOSS 2 (The Paperpals) - Nathan Wagner

A HUGE thanks to Ertinos for the amazing music he's made for this game. Check out his Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/c/ErtinosJMzno and he has a website here: https://julienmanzano1.wixsite.com/ertinosjm .
The sea shanties that Foxy's abilities uses are from Sea Shanties on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4thJ2IxVGETx4TnLr08DQ .
Some of Freddy's skins changes his special's music to different versions of the Toreador March. Virtua's is from Bulby on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Bulby . Big Band's is from Tiger Dixie Band. Carmen's is from... well... Carmen. It's the original one. And Ghost's is from Max's Music Channel on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbDs9T4BHArFOgptoJXaUmA .
A huge thanks to Scott Cawthon for the FNAF franchise.
Some sound effects used were from freesound.org and Scott Cawthon.
And thanks to the people who had helped beta test the game through development:
Stuffed Caleb
Ross K
Nathan Wagner

There is a lot planned for the future of this game. First off, I will be creating brand new playable characters for you all to enjoy! New Worlds will be created each with three new enemies and a unique boss at the end! I will be adding new skins into the game, especially on holidays such as Halloween and Christmas so look out for that. Bug fixes will obviously be fixed up (please comment any bugs or problems in the pinned post below). Characters will be tweaked to make sure they're not overpowered or underpowered. All of these will be announced in posts so make sure you follow the game to make sure you're fully updated!

Version 1.0.0
-FF:R2 is officially released!
UPDATE 1 - v1.1.0
Major Content
Added FUNTIME FREDDY as a new playable character! All of his skins, levels and perks are available!
Added 4 new SUMMER skins:
New PURPLE GUY skin - Grill-Out
New BALLOON BOY skin - Pool Boy
New BABY skin - Broiler
New TOY CHICA skin - Samba
Minor Content
Now added a brand new category in the SKINS section of the Character Info menu called “DLC”. These are new skins added after the main release of the game and cost 2000 Faz-Coins each to unlock.
Added an Update Log to the main menu to access these patch notes.
Adjusted the volume for certain SFXs in the game.
Menu Music was updated to a more recent version of the composition.
Saving/Loading has been overhauled to now be basically instant. Save files will work when a new update releases but will expire after that. Make sure to keep them up to date!
The latest DLC character will now appear on the main menu. Click them for a surprise!
The Music, SFX and Voices toggle on the main menu no longer reset back on when pressing the green flag.
Non-Character Changes
Bug - the explosions certain characters use (Chica and Toy Freddy’s ability and Golden Freddy and Toy Bonnie’s special) wouldn’t deal the correct damage or be able to crit against Bosses.
Bug - Endo-Copters and Stars no longer give you points or contribute to your combo after self destructing.
Buff - Endomites’ explosion size has been increased by 50%.
Character Changes
All Characters
Nerf - Lowered the amount a character’s damage is multiplied by when upgrading their ‘Damage’ stat through levelling up.
Developer’s Note:
When looking at the 5 stats that a player could upgrade for their character, ‘Damage’ was always a no-brainer. By maxing out a character’s damage, they immediately became unstoppable. This is why I’ve lowered the amount all the characters’ damage is multiplied by, going from increasing their maximum damage potential by +4 to now only increasing it by +2. If this damages most of the characters too much (no pun intended) then I may increase it up to +3 in a future patch.
Bug - Fixed an issue with Freddy’s ability bubble being completely opaque.
Bug - Fixed a visual issue with his Classic skin.
Buff - Increased Freddy’s ability bubble size by 50%.
Developer’s Note:
Sometimes when playing as Freddy, you don’t even need to use his ability to beat the level with ease. Increasing the ability’s bubble size means that Freddy can basically cover one half of the battlefield and catch many more enemies, making it much more useful.
Nerf - Decreased Bonnie’s special damage against enemies by 40%.
Nerf - Decreased the timer for Bonnie’s special by 50%.
Developer’s Note:
Bonnie’s special could insta-kill all of the enemies on the battlefield, making it far more powerful than any other character’s special. Bonnie’s special damage has been decreased from 25 Damage to 15 Damage. This means that he can still insta-kill most enemies in the game so far, but some 20 HP enemies (such as Endo-02s) can survive. However, you can still deal 25 Damage to bosses. The 6 second timer for his special allowed the player to let many enemies spawn before activating it. Lowering this timer down to 3 seconds means that if you want to kill as many enemies as possible with your special, you would have to be vulnerable to damage beforehand.
Bug - Fixed a visual issue with her Classic skin.
Buff - Decreased Chica’s ability cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.
Nerf - Chica’s special now only fires out 12 cupcakes instead of 15.
Nerf? - Removed a hidden stat of ‘Heals 1-2 HP when getting a critical hit’ from Chica’s attack.
Developer’s Note:
A lot of Chica’s damage potential came from her Special and not her attack and ability. With these first two changes, she should be able to deal more regular damage using her ability rather than waiting for her Special to charge to do any sort of major damage. This also means her ‘Fast Food’ perk will now half her new ability cooldown. I’ve also decided to remove a hidden stat from Chica’s attack which not only hardly came into use, but also just didn’t fit with her moveset very well.
Bug - Fixed a visual issue with his Classic skin.
Bug - Fixed an issue where he doesn’t hit some enemies on the battlefield.
Developer’s Note:
I had been aware of this bug for a while during development but never got round to fixing it. During his special, he now slices a little slower so hopefully that should fix this issue without majorly affecting his gameplay.
Golden Freddy
Bug - Fixed an issue where if Golden Freddy was looking right while possessing, he would be fully opaque instead of his usual transparency.
Buff - Increased Golden Freddy’s Special charge by 100%.
Developer’s Note:
Golden Freddy’s special has always been quite underwhelming as it only majorly affects 1 out of 3 enemies on the battlefield. Because of this, I’ve decided to double the amount of special charge Golden Freddy gains by dealing damage.
Bug - Fixed an issue with Foxy’s sprite during Puppet’s special.
Nerf - Lowered Puppet’s base health from High (120 HP) to Low (80 HP).
Developer’s Note:
The Puppet having high health, high speed AND the ability to slow most of the enemies on the battlefield was just a little overkill. This is when I decided that either her HP or her Speed had to be lowered right down. In the end I went with her HP. This major change to her should bring her huge survivability back down to level with other characters while still keeping her move set the same.
Buff - Increased Baby’s Special charge by 50%.
Developer’s Note:
After using her special once or twice, Baby can become one of the strongest characters in the game. However, when starting off in the level she is at a disadvantage with her slow movement speed and slow attack speed. Increasing the amount of special charge she gains by damaging enemies means she won’t be in that disadvantaged state for as long at the beginning of levels.
Buff - Increased Mangle’s attack damage against Bosses by 50%.
Developer’s Note:
Mangle, although effective against normal enemies, hugely struggles against the Bosses. Since her passive ability is useless against them and her ability is devoted to that passive, her only way to damage them is through her basic attack or through her special (which can only be used occasionally). This change should help her beat them much more easily.
Buff - Decreased the time for Ennard’s cooldown meter to begin recharging from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds.
Buff - Ennard’s ability now charges up 100% faster.
Buff - When beginning to charge Ennard’s ability, it now starts with a small amount of power rather than starting with 0 power.
Nerf - While attacking, Ennard’s movement speed is lowered from Medium to Slow.
Nerf - Because of these ability changes, Ennard’s third perk now only stuns for a maximum of 3 seconds rather than 6 seconds.
Developer’s Note:
Phew there are a lot of changes to cover here, think of this as a mini-rework for Ennard. Ennard has always been a tricky character to balance. When he stops attacking, there is a delay before his cooldown meter begins to recharge. That has now been halved so that after he uses his ability, he isn’t left vulnerable for as long. Speaking of, Ennard’s ability has always been quite difficult and frankly pointless to use since it took so long to charge up and left you vulnerable. I decided to double the speed that he charges it up and instead of starting with 0 power, it now starts with a small amount. This should minimise the time where Ennard is vulnerable while charging up and still lets him deal decent damage if it isn’t charged up much. However, since Ennard can greatly slow down enemies with his attack, I thought it would be best to give him a small movement speed nerf while attacking.
Buff - Increased his attack speed from 1.3 seconds to 1 second.
Buff - Increased his base health from Medium (100 HP) to High (120 HP).
Developer’s Notes:
Dreadbear could easily become very overwhelmed by crowds of enemies. Increasing how quickly he attacks should fix this issue and allow him to deal damage to enemies much more quickly. I also decided to increase his base health to 120 HP to help with his survivability during levels.
Toy Freddy
Bug - Fixed a bug where Toy Freddy’s ability would crit every time.
Toy Bonnie
Buff - Decreased Toy Bonnie’s ability cooldown from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
Buff - Increased Toy Bonnie’s attack damage by 50%.
Developer’s Note:
Toy Bonnie is exceedingly good at spreading enemies out across the battlefield, but he fails at effectively killing them. Increasing his attack damage and decreasing his ability cooldown should allow him to deal higher, more regular damage while also giving him a boost of what he does best.
Toy Chica
Nerf - Increased Toy Chica’s ability cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds.
Developer’s Note:
Being able to completely shut down the biggest threat on the battlefield is a powerful ability. Therefore, being able to spam Toy Chica’s ability out so easily made her that little bit too powerful. Lowering her ability cooldown should fix this.
PATCH- v.1.1.1
Characters can no longer go past the sides of the battlefield.
The Tutorial now spawns less enemies when demonstrating your special.
Non-Character Changes
BUG: Fixed an issue where the ‘Killed’ stat at the end of levels was stuck at ‘196’. This means everybody has been gaining more XP and Faz-Coins than they’re meant to so that will also lower down.
Character Changes
All Characters
Some Characters’ voices were too loud or too quiet so volumes for all voice lines have been adjusted.
Purple Guy
Lowered the volume for Purple Guy’s special summon SFX.
Lowered the volume for Freddy’s special music as well as his skin versions.
Lowered the volume for Foxy’s Ringmaster skin’s ability music.
Golden Freddy
Lowered the volume for Golden Freddy’s ability SFX.
Lowered the volume for Ennard’s shocking SFX while charging his ability.
Lowered the volume for Dreadbear’s default special ‘wooshing’ SFX (Idk what else to call it) as well as the organ music for his Vampire skin.
Toy Bonnie
Lowered the volume for Toy Bonnie’s default ability impact SFX.
Funtime Freddy
Bug: Fixed Funtime Freddy’s special not making the right sounds when firing balloons.
Nerf: Lowered the special charge Bon Bon gains through damaging by 25%.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans