
Comments (580)

What do you think?

@IULITM has acknowledged your existense

Where do i download?

sorry im new:)

Olha, eu até gostei desse jogabilidade mas ainda, ainda acho que precisa melhorar algumas coisas, mesmo estando na versão Alpha.

  1. Acho que você tem que fazer a mesa parar de se mover enquanto você estiver olhando para as portas.

  2. E porque todas as camêras tem que ter um som de static mais prolongado do que o original?

  3. Adicione coisas novas além da mecânica original do jogo, como FNaC Remastered fez.

Mas o jogo tem muito futuro sim! Só espero pelo lançamento dele. Boa sorte, desenvolvedor!

You may need this , this is a way to do an effect like the one in original fnaf .


i really hope this doesnt get cancelled or whatever

Welcome to my humble project.

I'm just a 22 year old brazillian boy with a dream, develop my own games, this gane is a test to myself to see how far I can push myself.

I would like to thanks Scott Cawthon for making such a great game and fuelling my dream of becoming an game developler.

I also want to thank everyone that stayed with me after all the troubles I had with the development of the game, stay awesome everyone.

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#fnaf #pointnclick #fangame #horror

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Hey guys, go follow the new page for Fazbear Entertainment Pizzeria Simulator:



In-game render of Springtrap's jumpscare

Test render

Now you can look at your pizzaria in multiple angles!
There is also a top-down view to make building easier.