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... ...- .- -.- .- / ... .-.. .. -.- .- / ... .- -.. .-. --..- .. / ... ...- --- .--- ..- / - .- .--- -. ..- / .. / - --- / -. .. .--- . / .. --.. ..- --.. . - .- -.- .-.-.-

Welcome to Funtime's Pizza and Arcade
Help wanted for Nightguard to watch over funtime and co. what could go wrong?
$200 a week
call 1-800-FUN-TIME

are you willing to take the risk to watch funtime and friends?

(Still in early development)


Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Drug Use
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language

Major Update:

So our programmer has left the project basically killing off any forward development but all models have been created but are awaiting life to be made to them


We're back to square 1 because we've handed the game over to Squawk Games making my best friend DJ Main dev of the game but Best Friend Games is helping out with this project more updates will come soon please get the word out of this game

Current Positon

So all the voice casting is done we just need to program the mechanics and make the pictures into models. That’s about all, we will make a post with how many characters we have programed/Modeled