Comments (51)
super mario and freddy
Freddy gaming? Oh boy, Engineer Gaming has his own rival lol
Reminds me of smg4

evil mario time
Five Nights at Game Center FULL V1.0.5
It is FULL VERSION 1.0.5.
It's a Demo can have many little bugs, but is playable.
In this game you are a security in a game center, this place is called the Game Land. This game is Inspired in Five Nights At Wario's too, but not is copy and not is fan made of wario. This game have Mario and others characters, and have 1 animatronic, this animatronic is Freddy Gaming.
Freddy Gaming: Is a Blue Freddy, but is different from Freddy fazbear pizza, he like music of games, making children happy every day.
What was Happened?
They are reporting several strange events in the game center, appearances of entities and figures around the place, even in pictures appearing hidden characters like a ghost...
very bizarre, during the early hours who works in the place heard strange voices and sounds until steps in the place, and they also came face to face with one of the characters and even with
animatronic called Freddy Gaming.
Night watch was triggered to see what happens during the night, it will stay 1 week more or less seeing if there is something to confirm really if there is something scaring the place.
Neste jogo você é o segurança de um centro de jogos, esse lugar é chamado de Game Landia. Este jogo também se inspira em Five Nights At Wario's, mas não é cópia e nem fã feito de wario. Este jogo tem Mario e outros personagens, e tem 1 animatrônic, este animatrônic é Freddy Gaming.
Freddy Gaming: É um Freddy Azul, mas é diferente do Freddy fazbear pizza, ele gosta de música de jogos, fazendo as crianças felizes todo dia.
Estão relatando varios acontecimentos estranhos no game center, aparições de entidades e vultos pelo lugar, ate em fotografias aparece personagens de jogos escondidos...
muito bizarro, durante as madrugadas quem trabalha no lugar ouviu vozes e sons estranhos ate passos no lugar, e tambem ja deram de cara com um dos personagens e ate com
animatronic chamado Freddy Gaming.
Vigia noturno foi acionado para ver o que acontece durante a madrugada, ira ficar 1 semana mais ou menos vendo se tem algo para confirmar msm se tem algo assustando o lugar.
Comical Shenanigans