welcome to fnaj UCN! this game focuses around characters i've made before and new ones! and some of my friends! you can customise your roster and weather you turn them off, you can see them as hallucinations!
glitches are happening now... y a y ...... eather way. i cant post the macanics here... sorry
jimmy: he sits in the main hall. when he gets up, press space to shock him.colin: he stands in your office. sometimes he'll get bored, and then get mad. when he does, hold your cursor on him until he calms down.
phantom jimmy. he sits in your office. when he wakes up shock him. if that don't work just click him.phantom troy: he hides in the hole in your office. if you see him http://there.shock him.
TNT: he distracts you. dont shock him, or he'll explode! click on him for him to go away.old jimmy: he acts just like troy so just shock him. duh.
http://f.jimmy and colcol: they appear in ur office. press space to give him a S H O C K .toy troy: he apears in ur office and acts just like http://f.jimmy and col col.