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hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti 😀

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Five Night at Minecraft 2 Demo V0.2.2

Version: 0.2.2over 4 years ago

This is fan game for FNaF in Minecraft #fangame #survival #fnaf #fnaf


New version of the game FNAM 2 V0.2.2! ! ! What's new?

- a new enemy has been added - Bonnie Prototype

- Added a secret mini-game, in order to play it you need to fulfill some conditions at 3 night.

A new update 0.2.0 is about to come out

- added 3 night

- at 3 am there are 2 new targets

- added normal save system

- Added restart function in minigame after 1 night if you get stuck in texures

- Mangle is now driven faster from the corridor

RUS - Новое обновление!!!

1 Теперь Фредди может заблокировать дверь

2 Теперь открывать маску и планшет ещё удобней

ENG - New update!!!

1 Now Freddy can block the door

2 Now it is even more convenient to open the mask and the tablet