
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Nice Game way better then that phoney ripoff that stole the game.

hey i made a new game check my profile


Joined the community, btw.

Look promising!


FNaS 5 T.E.G 60 years later (old and unfinished)

Version: 0.1.0about 2 years ago
welcome to a dumpster fire of code that has yet to be finished. This game will soon be completely remade with new character designs, mechanics, code, and jumpscares. A small disclaimer, all of the skins are on from the start so make sure to go to the skins menu and disable/enable skins you want on/off.

FNaS 5 T.E.G Remastered demo! (April fools game)

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago


FNaS 5 T.E.G Origins

In the 1970s, you're in a bad position money-wise. You scan through the papers, hoping to find an easy job offer that'll cover for your money situation. You end up working a week at "Sonic's Fast Food Diner", unaware of the bad events that are about to unfold...

FNaS 5 T.E.G Remastered

About 10 years after a fire destroyed Sonic's Fast Food Diner, a company get the rights to the place and reopen it with all new clones as a museum! You apply and get a job there, SURELY nothing can go out of hand here,,, Right..?

FNaS 5 T.E.G 60 years later

6 decades later, the company with the rights to SFFD (Sonic's Fast Food Diner) decide to evoke a wave of nostalgia! A reopening project happens, and you, a young adult wanting to become a night guard, see an advertisement to work night shifts at their storage place! You take the opportunity, but little do you know this place has had a terrible past...


Five nights at Sonic's was created by @TheCyVap

FNaS 5 The end Game was made by @Kane-Hedgehog

extras buttons, menu buttons, the newspaper, and some ads were made by @Valkop_Dev


#fangame #fnaf #action #scifi #pointnclick #survival #horror #FNaS

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed


I might completely remake 60 years later.

Fun Fact!

60 years later is very heavily inspired off of porkchop's adventure, and an idea I had before I came up with 60 years later was some cat and mouse game with Toy Lock Sonic from FNaS NR that had mechanics similar to porkchop's adventure

somehow I forgot to do this before

now valkop dev is in the credits

I never realised how bad some of the character designs are

expect more redisigns soon enough

Something I wanna point out, I guess?

Someone who worked on MMI follows this game lmao

Also finally expect an update to the demo soon enough with lean sonic’s new design

Also I’m gonna redo all the jumpscares since they’re mid ngl

take 2 smh

guys I made purple sonic less mid (Old design on the left hand side, new design on the right hand side)

also he's heavily based off of @jayiscool 's design of him, go check him out he's g o o d

guys I made purple sonic less mid (Old design on the left hand side, new design on the right hand side)

also he's heavily based off of @Jayiscool 's design of him, go check him out he's g o o d

Wait, this game was on hiatus?
