Comments (16)
POGGERS but Alt-world 3rd week is locked
How do i unlock it?
the songs are good but the chart to the luther's song is bad, and im currently working on the chart im having fun charting the song, but still this is a good mod
Overall really good quality. Good story telling, good using of the VHS, some missing animations, good songs, really good sprites, nice leitmotivs. I always wanted an actual good Needlemouse mod and it's really good. Plus the alternate ending is hyping me up I won't lie.
But I found some stuff I noticed or didn't like so imma just list some stuff and of course it's my opinion and I'm not a FNF content creator anyway (well I'll be but whatever):
- Some missing "miss animation" and "dodge animation" specially on "our world" were Sarah just TP to some places
- Too much flashing on the screen, like sometimes it's every 2 beats or so + with the VHS filter arrows can be hard to see with the flashing
- "HER-WORLD" volume is pretty low, and the warning is too loud compared to the music so it's pretty hard to listen to the music while not getting blasted in the ears
- Overload of the dodge mechanics in "OUR-WORLD" it's just constent you just need to spam and it does get even annoying
- Somewhere near 0:44 of "LAST-HOPE" a note is missing in BF charting
In short: A pretty good mod
Tremenda obra maesta 20/10 pero como odio el SV, (scroll velocity) no me gusto que la pantalla parpadeara blanco o negro, ya que me dificultaba leer los patrones, pero eso es algo personal. Fuera de eso todo bien el mod esta chido
VHS 5.0 Beta
Game Soundtrack
BF (Keith) and GF (Cherry) find a mysterious disk in an old box which belonged to his grandfather's bf, inside the box they find that it says "Needlemouse", they both try to put the disk into a computer, player of music, radio, even in a disc player and it didn't work, BF puts the disc in a console that he found 2 weeks ago among his father's old things, he connects the console which was a sega genesis and proceeds to insert the disc the console, they both realize that the disc was a Sonic game but the strange thing was that they could not remove the disc from the console, both thinking that it was because of the age of the console, they decide to put aside that failure and they both decide to spend a afternoon as a couple trying this sonic title (Sonic 1) upon reaching the marble zone level there began to be many errors in the game, the screen flashed several times and sonic moved in directions that bf was not directing, that is when reaching the middle of the level, the screen turns off and a loud sound makes them both unconscious. When they wake up, they both see Sonic watching them on the television while a word appears on the screen that says "I'm Sarah Hend..." before completing the word, many sentences jump out. more on the screen to the point that something comes out of the television and sends them into it, they both wake up and see that they are in the marble zone, they look at Sonic and BF with determination takes out a microphone to challenge him, do they want to know what happens next? .. .they will soon know