
Comments (69)

What do you think?

why is this so good

this is my favorite mod of all time and its a demo, holy shit, to everyone on the team, yall did amazing, good work

really wicked mod. cant wait for the full version

i love this. so much.

excited for this one


Friday Night Funkin': Hotline 024 (The Medley Update)

Version: 0.2.0almost 3 years ago

Friday Night Funkin': Hotline 024

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs


This mod is STILL a DEMO, it includes 24 songs (make sure to find all of them)! More tracks are planned for the full version of the mod.

Meet Nikku, an alien girl that crashed on earth and was captured by a secret agency, she has been used for experimentation for years, until one day she was able to escape and decided to hide in an abandoned mall.

Notes about Nikku:
- She has the ability to copy any kind of sound, this includes other voices!
- She has a hostile personality.
- She doesn't like coffee.

About The Medley Update

It's a whole remastered version of the first DEMO! it includes a whole new set of songs, stages and secrets for you to have fun with!
This update focuses on a specific type of music; mashups! Be ready to hear melodies, songs and samples you might recognize ;D 
Storymode isn't available at all in this version, so simply enjoy 1 and a half hours worth of playable content!

Important Notes

There are a few issues that might appear for some players, so in order to have the greatest experience please consider these notes:

1. It's highly recommended to play at 60fps, higher fps have a small probability to cause problems in long songs!
2. There's a stage that uses very special shaders, but in some devices this could crash the mod, if this problem doesn't happen to you that's good, but if you're a part of the percentage of players that have this problem I would suggest you to disable the shaders by going to options > graphics and uncheck the "enable shaders" option!

We deeply apologize for this problem, and we'll try to see if this issue has any solution!

We hope you have fun!

- V2 Credits -

VaChildish - Artist, Jojo Nikku's Assets

BAnims - Artist, Character Renders, Mazin's Assets, Rude#1's Assets

SajiArts - Artist, Xigmund's Assets

MaxOKE - Artist, Momo and Gogo's Renders, Nikku's Freeplay Render

Offbi - Artist, Main Menu Character Renders

SaltedSporks - Artist, Musician, Boo's Stage Assets, Co-producer of Satellite Picnic

Sugarratio - Artist, Momo and Gogo's Assets

gibz679 - Charter

Melissa MekRose - Voice Actress, Matzushii's VA

Nebits - Artist, Clips' Assets

PointyyESM - Charter

Mr.DJ - Artist, Nikku's Remastered Assets

Chroma - Charter

Fabs - Main Programmer, Co-director, 3D Artist, Nikku's 3D Assets

Shadow Mario - Programmer, Special Events Assistance, Additional Coding, Updated Psych Code

Cerbera - Charter

Niffirg - Charter

Lavaprox - Artist, Promotional Art

ABrickToTheHead - Artist, Matzushii's 2nd Phase Assets

TOFU - Artist, Album Cover Art

OhSoVanilla - Animator, Hyperfunk Nikku, Xigmund and Vortex Nikku, ENA and Clips' Animations

Ebola - Artist, Icons

Seni - Artist, ENA's Assets Fore - Artist, Monika and Yuri's Assets

Slushy_Anime - 3D Artist, Tomongus' 3D Assets

Raze - Jojo Nikku's Design Assistance

Nashira - Artist, Nikku's DDLC Assets

Cape - Charter

PooterStapot - Artist, Slime Cat's (Limus) Assets

JustDemianAgain - Artist, Killer Queen's Jojo Event Renders

10ju - Charter

Kitty - Voice Actress, Nikku's VA

MongMongTwo - Artist, Hyperfunk Nikku Assets

DozenRahyz - Artist, Jukebox Assets, Smiling Friends' Assets, Owner of H024's GF Design

Special Thanks

ash - Hotline 024's v1 Programmer

ChewMcBlue - Creative Assistance

Yellowbird - Writing Assistance, Creative Assistance

- V1 Credits -

Director/Musician/Artist -

Coder -

Artist -

Charter -

Artist -

Concept Artist -

---Alternative Download--

---Source Code---

Cartoon Violence
Mild Language
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