The date is the 18th of february 1982. The place called Frondy's Family Diner opens with 2 animatronics. On the 2nd week an accident happens and someone dies. The animatronics are left in the building, after it close. On the third anniversary of the accident, a new pizzaplace opens called Frondy's Pizzaplace. The old animatronics have been brought there, but they are deactivated, because they got replacements and one new animatronic. You the nightguard guarding the place, on the 5th week it have been open.
-5 Nights
-6th Night
-Custom night
Codeing: @Frondy
Textures: @Frondy
Sounds: @8-Bit_Mark
Phoneguy: @8-Bit_Mark
#horror #fangame #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed