
Five Nights with Barney Demo
Story: A man named Eric Willson got divorced by his wife and he gets depressed, so he murders 3 children at an abandoned animatrionic factory. 7 years later, in 2017, he creates his own animatrionic called, the prototype Barney springlock suit. however the suit was very dangerous so the robot was scrapped. Eric has 2 sons, Micheal the oldest and Luke the youngest. micheal hated Luke so he killed him with the prototype animatrionic. Eric then didn't make a single animatrionic for 3 years. 3 years later, he made another barney animatrionic. this time it wasn't a springlock suit. the soul of Luke possesed the Barney animatrionic, and wants revenge on Micheal. Eric then created his own pizzaria, Barney Entertainment. Eric sent his son to guard the place for 5 nights. #fnaf #fangame #horror #fnaf