Comments (3)
Funny story on how discovered this mod: I was looking for Tae Yai Gamebanana account and the search result show me the first version of this mod instead and when I played it I could really tell how much potential it had, it even suprised me that the mod didn't appear in my radar 4 mouths ago! And right after that I decided to check Gamejolt and what appears on my feed? The demo of the remastered mod lmao. I can really see the amount of improvement from the V1, what some mouths can do, eh?
... Now that I think about it this was more generic than funny.
Oh well, at least I made you read this long ass text for nothing. Noodles.
not bad!
amazing smh
Friday Night Funkin: Fallen Star [DEMO 2]
Friday Night Funkin: Fallen Star
Get Ready to rap it out Against the fallen star, Zee
[more details will be added soon :p]
Jayfii: https://twitter.com/Jayfii_
ZenUnique: https://twitter.com/ZenUnique1
Robo: https://twitter.com/robothegod
Playtime1607(Me): https://twitter.com/Playtime1607