
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Hey the spanish desc has a minor spelling mistake


its suppoused to be "Habido"


could I contribute in some way?

The bear farm

Can i be a Voice Actor for this game?

Discord: Sim_Naum_Ofc




Farmyard's Funhouse was supposed to be just another job, a place to make some money and get ahead. But when you take on the role of the new night security guard, you quickly realize there's something else lurking within the walls of this seemingly innocent restaurant. The animatronics, led by Felix the goat, Daisy the cow, and Goliath the bull, aren't just machines, they're alive and dangerously conscious.

For a man who once felt empty, Farmyard's Funhouse becomes more than just a job. The excitement, the fear, the constant sense of danger, all of that makes him feel alive in a way he hasn't experienced in years. But the question is: How long can you survive in a place where survival is the only rule?


Farmyard's Funhouse se suponía que iba a ser solo otro trabajo, un lugar para ganar algo de dinero y seguir adelante. Pero cuando asumes el rol del nuevo guardia de seguridad nocturno, rápidamente te das cuenta de que hay algo más acechando dentro de las paredes de este restaurante aparentemente inocente. Los animatrónicos, liderados por Felix la cabra, Daisy la vaca y Goliath el toro, no son solo máquinas, están vivos y peligrosamente conscientes.

Para un hombre que una vez se sintió vacío, Farmyard's Funhouse se convierte en algo más que un trabajo. La emoción, el miedo, la constante sensación de peligro, todo eso lo hace sentir vivo de una manera que no había experimentado en años. Pero la pregunta es: ¿Cuánto tiempo puedes sobrevivir en un lugar donde la supervivencia es la única regla?


Tags: #fangame #fnaf #horror #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #strategy #other #scifi #altgame #action #adventure #analog

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

Farmyards Funhouse devlog #1



And this is another thing that I forgot to upload. Goliath reveal?...

We reached 100 followers!
(read article)

The Farmyards Dev must be working very the development of the game

The Dev of Farmyards: