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Feel Like Music Rock's Version DEMO 0.2

Version: 0.2.0almost 6 years ago
The bugs are fixed. You can play the two levels available, Ble World and halo. And the size is now much much less than the 0.1 version.

if you like the most difficult games, Fee Like music it's for you.

Feel Like Music Rock's Version, a runner game with innovative dynamics like "The SlowMode"

Wait, are you not very good on runner games??, don't worry, continue reading:

it's a amusing functionality that make the game something new and never seen before. When it's active, the time will be more slow for 10 Seconds. This allow to the player he can win the most difficult level that he can't with other ways.
the levels will be built with popular music of famous movies, games, animes, etc....It's mean that even if you like Halo, if you like Pirates of caribean or Terminator,if you like one piece, or if you only like rock's music and games, Feel like music will be a game that you will enjoy.

For now is just a demo, for you testing the game, but soon you will have the complete game here.
if you see any bug or error, or is you have some recommendation for make best the game, please write us on our facebook page.

you can suscribe to our youtube chanal here

and if you like the game, don't forget give us some patreon, for help to the development.
#runner #music #movies #anime #RockMusic #Rock #hardcore #bestgame #hardcore #halo #gameofthrones #onepiece #zelda #piratesofcaribean #terminator #BeMusic


the second demo of Feel Like Music is already available, many bugs were fixed and the size is considerably smaller. You can download it for free here
#rock #music #anime #videogames #halo

We are working for make the game more small. The height will be much less that now. On the next days we gonig to put the demo 0.2 right here on GameJolt.
If you like the game don't forget follow us.