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Find Yourself

Version: 1.0.03 months ago

You lost yourself between a deep forest and a strange village. Literally. Split in two, you have to find your other half again. Half of yourself is panicked and screams for help, the other half can listen to their screams and follow this lead. Your moves are limited however, take the time to look around when you can, and be whole once again.

Your point of view regularly switches from one of your halves to the other, letting the other half where you brought them. One of your halves can move quickly and without limit, but your time and field of view are limited. The other can only make e few steps at a time, but you can see a bit more clearly. Rejoin your two halves by finding where the other half was.

(The village/forest map is procedural and will never be the same)

#horror #action #adventure #multiplayer #pointnclick #other

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