Unlock King Dedede
Defeat over 1,000 common enemies
Unlock Metaknight
Glide for more than 30 minutes
Unlock the Dragoon
Gather the three parts by completing the following challenges
Glide higher than 1,000 feet in a single flight of High Jump.
Within the course of a single City Trial, fly through rings in the sky at least five times.
Glide more than 1,300 feet in a single flight of Air Glider.
Unlock the Hydra
Gather the three parts by completing the following challenges
Over the course of several Destruction Derbies, K.O. foes over 150 times.
In City Trial's main mode, the player should destroy all of the dilapidated houses over the course of a single trial.
Over the course of several Kirby Melees, the player should defeat over 1,500 common enemies.