
Comments (2)

What do you think?

just fnaf 2 without some sounds and other textures. The project does not carry anything interesting, it can be considered as a regular modification to the original game, with the replacement of textures. There is nothing to evaluate here.

Celá hra je jenom přetexturovaná FNaF 2, z mého pohledů je to hezký že chceš udělat Kupta FNaFko ale je lepší to udělat s vlastní lokací, mechanikami a příběhem a ne že si vytáhneš .MFAčko a jenom zaměníš textury.

Do better :)

Rember us? Fear us? Play with us? #fangame #fnaf #horror #survival #pointnclick #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Thank you for 400 views <3

I am sorry for publishing this crap. I will remake this game and now it will be mine.

SOO im sorry for posting this shit. But I have a solution. I will remake it. Dont worry now it will be completly mine ;) so the real work starts i Guess

Please let me know how many parts of this series do you want. I NEED TO KNOW

Yeah the voice in the trailer is mine :/ ?/10