Comments (86)
зделай игру на андроид
amerciano spasical is out
What's that music call when yellowball moves and you hear his music box I want to know
pls, five nights at gumball drawing edition 3
Five Nights at Gumball's 2:DRAWING EDITION V2
Welcome to this version of the game,player! If you're a tester or a first-time player,then,this game is for you to play. Enjoy the effort i put into this game.
Report any bugs or glitches if there's any in-game.
Release Date: July 22nd, 2017
After Gumball's Pizzeria 2 was closed,the robots there costed a fortune. 2 Days after the closing,the company had an idea of bringing back Yellowball,and his friends,and also,Gumball and his friends (Except Anais,Penny,Nicole,and Richard) in the form of a fast-food diner. They built new endoskeletons and suits for the fast-food robots. The endoskeletons went inside the suits. For the testing of the robots,it went smoothly. Then,2 Weeks Later,YELLOWBALL'S Fast-Food Diner opened. A Week before opening,a lot of kids were killed and now,there souls remain inside of the Fast-Food Robots themselves. 2 Weeks Later,the company hired you as a Night-Guard to watch the place at night-time. On your 1st Night,you came into the building and you saw the robots. When you got in your office,everything was fine,until one of the robots moved,there coming for you. Will you survive 5 Nights with the FAST-FOOD Robots..or NOT?
LEGO101 GAMES-Programmer/Coder,Phone Guy,Character Designer,Etc.
LOCKG_58- Game Developer,Supporter
If any fast-food robot is inside your area,go on your monitor,turn on the corruption panel,corrupt that robot's signal,and it'll be out of your office,then,
exit the corruption panel,and turn the monitor off. Check the cameras if you hear any voices or footsteps,or both.
Press "6" to skip a night if you think the later nights are hard for you
Press "Enter" to continue the dialouge in the cutscenes
You need a good system to play this game. The game would run slow if you're on the internet or Google Chrome,so,turn both of them off so that way,the game would properly run in the right speed,and yes,you can decompile this game with FreddyExplorer,if you have that app or not on your computer or Laptop,but,don't you dare use the sounds or textures or both from this game for any of your FNAF Fan-Games. I'll sue you for doing that. And finally,if you ask me to release the MFA of this game,then,you'll just be ignored. If i release the MFA of this game,here's 2 Rules:
1.Don't Mess with the graphics
and 2. You're NOT allowed to reskin the MFA itself.
If you find a bug or glitch in this game,comment me about it so i can fix it,and upload an update. Finally,if i was lazy on some parts of the game,i apologize for that. Play at your own risk!!
Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans