Game Community
Five Permian Nights Community
4 Members

Comments (18)

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Five Nights At Jurassic Park


What is this?

I like how the models are N64 styled. I like it!

Those models look good

March 15, 2013. Dimetro's prehistoric diner is made in japan after the fire at fazbear's fright.

March 17, 2013. 5 children and 4 teens are killed in the parts and service room of the restaurant, the killer was seen on camera stuffing the kids and the teens in the suits of the animatronics after he killed them.

March 27, 2013. The new animatronics are possesed by the souls of the people killed. a fate many other kids before and after had the same fait.


two years later, 2015. you are the new (female) night gaurd, Katsura Yuriko. you must survive 5 hole nights from dimetro and his Permian animal freinds. close the doors, use the mask, flash the lights, and dont lose power. or you will die in a animatronic suit. #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Comical Shenanigans

Check out the five permian nights community!

Behold, willy the wiwaxia!

here is the finish model for anna the anominalcaris. another female character

Sneak peak of the new female character's model
