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Can i collab

This Is An Fangame Of Five Nights With Froggy
And Owner Of Five Nights With Froggy Is @GlebKapustin

A man had these toys called froggy,Kitty,Gnomes,Crocco,Golden Froggy but one day he read a book about them then they got cursed and killed the man then they started wondering outside to find people to killed but then they came to your home to hunt you down survive 6 nights to end this curse


Mario (Gamer Dave) - Director/Owner Of The Fangame
GlebKapsustin - Owner Of Five Nights With Froggy
B637 (Baran) - Co-Director + Idea Of The Fangame + Story Helper + Beta tester + Voice actor
goofy_ahh_baldi - Beta Tester