Comments (25)
Ey, man! I got around to uploading my recording for your game. In my opinion, there's a lot of potential with working with spider monsters: movement, allowing them to climb walls or jump down and surprise you. I was admittedly scared at one part where the skeleton came down from the tree, but it was more the noise that got me, since after that, the skeleton only reminded of the infamous Nyctophobia game found on Steam. Going back, there's potential, but making the spiders more of a threat, along with the Guardian (especially at the end where I could simply walk around the Guardian and the big spider moved sooooo slow) would make the feeling of getting chased so much better (and spotlights on both were a very weird design choice, might I add). And cut away jumpscares ae something I don't necessarily like to see in 3D environments, knowing that you can make the scares occur where you get caught. The sound design is fine, except for the almost INTENSE music playing all the time, so you have to let there be a build up: quiet, then you can slowly get more intense. It should only be super intense if we visibly see the monster in hot persuit on our asses. Lastly, the beginning and end. The beginning, although I understood what happened, threw into the woods with no crashed car to back up what happened visibly, so eah. Additionally, I could've walked out of the map, I think, lol. As for the ending, while it reminded me of campfire stories where it was something super cheesy at the end, it felt hilariously sudden to something kind of serious, so tweaking the voice acting and how that whole scene goes down may improve the quality of the ending just a bit.
Overall, the AI could use some work, the ambience can be greatly toned down to build tension much smoother, and the beginning and end need some polish work. It wasn't a bad experience, I kind of liked it a bit. Here's my gameplay; I hope this helps with future development of this game. And P.S, I'm looking for voice acting gigs free-of-charge, so lemme know if you'd be interested. Have a great day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT05J083ueU&t=128s
Was not expecting to get chased by a spider! This was very scary! Great job! :D https://youtu.be/55zMdQDRXz0
Great stuff Ben! As a Sasquatch, we eat spiders like that all the time, so I wasn't scared.... The end did get me though haha. I made a lets play of my experience if anyone is interested. IndieGameGlance is committed to supporting Indie Developers any way we can. Keep on Gaming! :)
Good project, only it's dark, highly dark(((
I really enjoyed this one! I can't believe how fast you get these games done especially for being a solo dev! Please keep them coming!!
Here's my playthrough if you're interested! :D
The Forsaken
From the solo dev that brought you "Departed" and "Awoken"
After a car crash, you find yourself in an unknown location, explore a strange and eerie forest gathering batteries and finding out the dark history of this deserted place, you're on your own.
This game is sure to scare you ;)
Left shift - Sprint
E - Open doors
F - Flashlight
I'd like to say a huge thank you for all the support that Departed has received. It motivates and helps fund bigger and better games for us to give to you guys!
The game will have regular updates to improve your experience!
Blast Radius Game Studios