
Comments (6)

What do you think?

A bit too short but decent.

I've seen these assets in the unity store I believe.. it's ok.. as another person mentioned, the controls are annoying.. walking through doors is annoying.. the buttons on the big gun are weirdly aligned.. a bunch of little issues.. all is fixable of course.. ( sorry I'm brutally honest ) ..

Pretty interesting, I will say that. the controls were a tad agrivating, but other than that, I liked the design. definately looking forward to more!

epic game where you can piss off narrator

From what I've seen, it is very inspired on Stanley Parable, but it is nice. It is a shame that it is already complete (or that's what the development stage says so), the developer could've implemented more things to do. You can literally finish it in 3-5 minutes easily on your first time.


Freedom Of Choice

Version: 1.0.0almost 5 years ago

A Game Where You Have The Freedom Of Choice Or Do You, This Game has 3 Ending's In Total. #other #altgame #adventure #scifi

Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

My New Game Portal Ball, The Alpha Version Is Released And You Can Play It Here -