Friday Night Funkin' Android Port (Project RePort)
Out of date
Friday Night Funkin' (Project RePort) - Mods
Not very latest
Funkin' Ported Mods
Same as above but a bit more effort
Original game description (From the page)
Uh oh! Your tryin to kiss ur hot girlfriend, but her MEAN and EVIL dad is trying to KILL you! He's an ex-rockstar, the only way to get to his heart? The power of music...
It's much of a surprise about the android port for Friday Night Funkin' is unstable... And only Week 6 is the only fully playable week in the game...
But this is fixes the issue of the major crashes of the game...
This project aims to repair the unstable parts without removing sprites and features... Well at least, in a playable state.
Just... with a smaller resolution... (Since mobile devices hate high quality images...
This game is still open source... But, all the files are stored in the app... You need an APK Editor app to edit and mod the game...
But, anyone is free to pick up and lend an hand... (Since, I don't have a working computer and I can't get anyone at GameBanana to help... I don't know what im doing...)
Note: This port is not mine or official
There are some issues to point out.
:Fix at some point/Placeholder
-Week 5 - Parents Sprites are removed and Girlfriend uses default sprites
Original Port:
Original game: