
Comments (8)

What do you think?


our game will be famous

Nice,lets have fun with this

Pergunta rápida só de curiosidade vcs pagam o click team pra ter o programa todo ? Ou só a versão gratuita que pegaram?

Depois da morte de um furry chamado Bluy, seu melhor amigo Lenilson decidiu guerra contra os humanos por culpa dessa traição, então ele vai ate o underground roubar as almas dos humanos escondidas mas alguem segue ele ate o underground... #fangame #rpg #arcade #retro

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Simulated Gambling

US: Furred canceled
Reason1: The original creator give up on the game
Reason2: I'm focused on a new game that I'll send the page soon

PT: Furred cancelado
Motivo1: O criador original desistiu do game

Motivo2: Tô focado em um novo game que vou mandar a página em breve

And here the spoiler for Fnf mod; )

Heya, I know it’s been a long time since Aly has done anything because we’re making Friday night funkin mods and then the game will be closed for a long time

Server Alysson:

Server Bruno:

Frisk = Alysson (Me)
Toriel = Kitte (My friend)
Sans = Leandro (My Another Friend of me)
Papyrus = Yully (Another Oc done by me)
Undyne = Gray (Another Oc made by my friend)
Asgore = Bruno (Another friend of me)