
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Already a second game despite the original not even having one lmfao. keep up the good work!


I can tell this is going to be somewhat cool.

Any updates?

The second game to a FNAFB parody series of a game called Five Nights at Youkai which was made by @Paulor_94.

This game features more stuff from the previous game, such as...

  • 2 Scenarios one involving Maribel and the other with the possessed Youkais.

  • More enemies and bosses to fight.

  • An enragement fairy.

  • Very hot looking heaters.

  • Reworked / altered skills for the possessed Youkais.

  • More shitty cameras to fight.

  • NO LOLI SHIT! ( I promise... )

Note :

To play this game you need to have installed RPG Maker VX Ace RTP.

RTP Page :

Games :

Five Nights at F***boy's : Complete Collection - The original FNAFB series.

Five nights at Youkai 2: The disappearance of Maribel by Paulor_94 - Game Jolt - The original game.

#fnaf #fangame #rpg #strategy #other #action #adventure #touhou #fnafb #gnay #fnay #fnaf

Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Man... I haven't worked on this game for a long time...

I'm currently taking a break on this game again... Or at least only working on it very slightly.

Hello. I am currently one Summer vacation so it's best to work on this game now.

I will take a break on this game for now.

Game development may be slowed down because of school.
