Comments (15)
I can’t believe Gears of Entropy fan games exists
huh whuh uh????????
Here's a Tutorial on how to play
Jade: Gee, it sure is boring around here.
Entropy: My girl, this game is what all true tafers strive for.
Link: I just wonder what 01 is up to.
Gears: Your Majesty, 01 and his soldiers have ceased Lugig's GNSW: Gears of Entorpy (Parody Game)
Entropy: Hmm... How can we help?
Gears: It is written: "Only Jade can defeat 01."
Jade: Great! I'll grab my stuff!
Gears: There is no time. Your taser.png is enough.
Jade: How about a kiss? For luck.
Penny: You've got to be kidding.
Gears: Squadala! We're off!
Jade: Wow, what are all those gears?
Gears: These are the Gears of Entorpy. You must conquer each.
Jade: I guess I'd better get going.
Gears: Here is the menu. Where do you wish to go?
if you suffer from epilepsy or motion sickness, I'd advise that you play cautiously.
Long ago, Wario's greed led him to summoning the devil himself and causing chaos across all universes. Welcome, Jade, to the thrilling survival of a variety of night shifts, can you make it out alive? Wait-
Have you ever wanted to play The Abandoned Factory: Gears of Entropy but it was made in 4 days by one dev who barely knows anything about the game it's based on?
me neither, but that's pretty much what this game is sooo #fnaf #fnaf
I did get permission to upload this