Golden Sun Dungeon Editor
Golden Sun Dungeon Editor ver 1.0.1
Patch List
Stucking on highgrounds and vinepillars [ ]
Fullscreen [ ]
If you find any bugs please contact me and I will add them to my patch list.
[X] - Will be add in the next update
[ ] - Not done yet
Arrows - Movement (GBA: D-pad)
Z - Accept button (GBA: A)
X - Decline button (GBA: B)
Mouse - Editor
Okay. As I look at it, neither Camelot nor Nintendo are in a hurry to give us something for the 20th anniversary of the Golden Sun. If so, I will try to deliver it. I'm not going to create a plot. I will also not recreate the combat system or leveling. The idea is to create a dungeon editor. Personally, I think puzzles are one of the best elements of GS.
Golden Sun will rise again!
#rpg #jrpg #editor #puzzle #dugeon #nintendo #camelot #camelotsoftwareplanning #GoldenSun #Golden #Sun #GoldenSunWillRiseAgain #fangame #other