
The Gachatubers V2.0 (UPDATED)
BONUS: Amiran The Tom's by G3StarVK
The from this Been holding off on this for a while, but here it finally is! UPDATE IS OUT NOWWW!!!
I would prefer not to beg for likes and subscriptions, do it to your own accord. It is a choice, after all.Â
This from Updated v2 gachatubers. Movers to updated in bug fixed happened! Also, Before liked to downloaded 100K Subscribers! Thanks you for
guys downloaded published to EVERYTIMES!!! So, Theres Trailers Video Updated.
Zobbes' version has five attacks and has 3 specials and 2 hypers, it also uses the same sprites as Warioman's version. This version of Tom can also combo well against other opponents. It can be considered that this version is more of an "upgraded" version of Warioman's Tom. This version also contains custom sprites, and the Jerry helper has also been replaced by Butch, unlike Warioman's version.
A glitch that occurs is that he sometimes falls through the floor. It is unknown what causes this. (LINKS TOM'S AMIRAN)
1. Mediafires
2. Trailers Update V2
3. Channel