Comments (3)
I'm excited to see what you'll do with this project! I'm down for a sort of parody version of NES Godzilla, and the stuff you've already made's pretty great. Good luck with the project!
moof bal
Famicom Gorbzilla 1.0
The original release. It contains:
-6 playable monsters
-5 levels
-8 enemies
Use WASD + BNM . Some attacks requires S plus another key.
Famicom Gorbzilla 1.5
An updated (although semi-incomplete) version of 1.5.
It contains:
-2 new playable monsters
-3 new levels
-5 enemies
Use WASD + BNM . Some attacks requires S plus another key.
Famicom Gorbzilla Boss Demo
This demo features no levels, but instead features 4 bossfights and 8 characters, as well as a gauntlet mode where you fight all 4 back-to-back.
Famicom Gorbzilla 2.0 (Unfinished Version)
A highly unfinished version of 2.0. While it features lots of new characters, levels, and enemies, a lot of them don't function.
Despite the ability to play multiple levels in a row, ones played after the first glitch out. You're also unable to die.
This version is very rough, but I didn't want to fix it up. I'd rather people see this in all its buggy glorry, as I find it more interesting that way.
Famicom Gorbzilla is a parody of the Nes Godzilla Creepypasta I started in 2020.
I'm currently making plans on working on it again, but in the meantime, here's some older versions of the game (as of writing, some versions might not be available)
While I'm aware of a lot of problems with these games, feel free to let me know any critisisms you have, as I'm trying to make this game the best / weirdest it can be.
#fangame #horror #arcade #adventure #creepypasta #godzilla #nesgodzillacreepypasta
Cartoon Violence
Crass Humor