Comments (13)
Night 2 also this game is cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2HmjSkVyUs
love this game!
Gud job
Triple upload :D hope you enjoy my video <3
Abysmal Depths
The full game!
You can't H see, and all you rememEber is having a good nights rest.
Inside of the deLpths of your dreams, what will you find? What will you see?
Will you ever waPke up?
A FNaF fan game made by me.
This one is going to take longer then FNaF 2 Redux because, well, I'm 'putting more effort into it.' This is my recovery.
A more eerie atmosphere, with more focus put into the horror aspect rather than the classic FNaF jumpscares!
Mechanics never thought of before! (Maybe)
And more!
Night Vision: Press 'Space' to toggle the night vision. It runs
out of battery fast, use the tablet to charge it.
Music: Can be turned on and off in the tablet menu,
use it to lower your stress.
Stress: The higher this gets, the more you will hallucinate.
You can't see an actual number for your stress.
Vents: Click on the vents button to switch to the vent control. Double click
on a vent passage to open it. (Vent passages are the green blocks.)
Click back to go back.
Bonnie: Goes down the left hall, shine the light on him when he is at your
door to make him go away.
Chica: Same as Bonnie, but down the right hall. Deja vu?
Freddy: Appears at ONE of your doors, use the snare or shine the light
where he laughs to get rid of him.
Foxy: Runs down ONE of your halls, shine the light at that door
to be rid of him.
Scrap Baby: Kills you if you have max stress, turn on the music to
lower your stress.
Molten Freddy: Comes after you if you use the music too often.
Golden Freddy: His head appears in your office at random, avoid
shining him in the face.
Springtrap: Goes through the vents, close them to be rid of him.
Mangle: Comes through the vents, disables the vent doors. Use the snare
to get rid of her. If she comes in, she will instantly jumpscare you.
The Marionette: Her music slowly gets louder, when it is at it's highest she
will jumpscare you. The only way to stop her is to turn on the secondary music system, which keeps your stress at a still level and fends her off, as well as not attracting Molten Freddy, but you cannot use your night vision or snare while using it, so use it well.
Phone Guy: Calls you at complete random, makes your stress rise extremely fast, press the mute call button to turn the call off, however, the higher his AI
level, the less time you have to mute. The mute button appears at random places each time he calls you.
Phantom Freddy: He slowly materialises inside your office, shine your light on him to make him disappear. Him jumpscaring will make your stress instantly
jump to the point where you can't breathe properly.
Phantom Chica: Appears at both of your doors at the same time, but you can
only see her eyes. Turn off your flashlight to make her go away.
If she jumpscares you, she will permenantly disable your snare.
Phantom Foxy: Randomly appears in your office when pulling down
your monitor. If you shine your light on him, he will jumpscare you,
making your stress sky-rocket and disabling your night vision.
Phantom Mangle: Appears when you pull up your monitor, put it down to make
her disappear. If you don't, she will appear in your office, disabling your
flashlight and raising your stress.
Phantom BB: Has a chance of appearing when you pull down your monitor and jumpscares you. There's no way to avoid it. When he jumpscares you, he will set your stress high, but not as high as the others.
Nightmare Freddy: Freddles will accumulate in your office when
your light is off, turn on your flashlight to make them evapourate.
If they all gather together, Nightmare Freddy will appear, killing you on sight.
Nightmare Bonnie: He can appear at both sides, makes loud footsteps at the respective side, shine your light at the opposite side to make him go away.
Nightmare Chica: Her teeth come down on your face at random, when they are on your face fully, you are blind, leaving you open to any animatronics coming through your doors. She will, however, eventually jumpscare you. Use the night vision to make her teeth go away.
Nightmare Mangle: Goes through the vents, when in the vents she disables your snare, music, and night vision. Close the vent door she is at to make her go away. If you don't, she will jumpscare you.
Lefty: They will approach from either your left or right door, and will make a certain sound when at your door. Turn on the music to make them go away.
I will also be adding controller support, and maybe a mobile port. We'll see.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed