Comments (12)
Yay! I finally played the Demo Vr. 2! I love love loveee your art style. It’s so creepy cute! My favorite! I included it in my last video! I look forward to any new updates.
Really nice art and creepy characters around every corner but there was no sound. Not sure if this is a bug or not but I had no sound
Really good game, made a good video :)
my gameplay:
Hide & Seek Demo V2
Hide & Seek (DEMO)
The rules are simple: find the girl 4 times and win!
This is my first ever 3D game, I'm sorry it's really short and simple. I tried my best to make the game visually interesting and fun to explore.
based on some youtube videos, play time is about 5 minutes or under.
#altgame #other #weird #surreal #spooky #hideandseek #horror