
Comments (30)

What do you think?

pls finnish the solo mode soon, this game looks amazing and i have no friends:(

top, top, top, parabĂŠns a galera que trabalhou e trabalha no jogo

beautiful game is really fun

will this support online?

Very fun game, to play with friends and very well done. Congratulations


Hammer Dongers

Version: 0.5.5over 3 years ago

It's an up to 4 player party game with destroyable terrain!

You NEED at least one more person and a controller, since only one person can play on keyboard and its a multiplayer game!

This is meant to be a couch-play party game so the single player will have to come a bit later in development, once the multiplayer is polished and at its fullest. After all, having fun with your friends is the core of party games! ❤️

Beat your friends!! Dong them to oblivion.

Supports one keyboard and up to four controllers 🎮

Join our Discord:

We listen to all feedback and have an active community 😊

#multiplayer #adventure #other #retro #coup #couchplay #versus

Alcohol Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

The latest update pushed a new figure in the HammerDongers lore, trying to tie our new timeout mechanic to a sick new villain.

There is now a timer in each match, and after it runs out, big bad appears and BREAKS the entire map!

We updated the game! It includes a new lighting system, check out how the maps look now! I've also added the old look for comparison :)

Check out this video on the game I'm working on, Hammer Dongers! It showcases its mechanics quite nicely and you can totally try it out for free ✨


We have a land mine item!💥

It's a great tool to deny some area since it doesn't explode when its owner steps on it! Other Dongers aren't so lucky though...

Anywho, play Hammer Dongers, its free and fun with friends 😄

Check out this item from Hammer Dongers! Makes you feel like a gosh darn earth-bender! ✨

Try our game with a friend, dong them to oblivion! 🔥