Comments (1)
He Repeats
Game Soundtrack
#CovidGameJam #retro #puzzle #shooter #action
A terrible mistake while programming the game created a horrible "replay" of the player who is trying to kill the original player in order to supplant him. However, his actions are limited to repeating the player's.
Un terrible error mientras se estaba programando el juego creó una horrible "repetición" del jugador que intenta asesinar al jugador original para poder suplantarlo. Sin embargo sus acciones están limitadas a repetir las de el jugador.
Name: Roque Bru Navarro
Contact: [email protected]
Game designer
Name: Álvaro Villardón García
Contact: [email protected]
Portfolio: https://alvarovillardon.com/
Game artist
Name: Iván Quintana Galera
Contact: [email protected]
Music composer
Name: Alejandro Fernández Gordillo
Contact: [email protected]
Name: Manuel Pablo Gonzaléz Calzón
Contact: [email protected]