
Log in to Henry's Son for the first time!

Radio #1
Listen to the radio in Chapter 1.

Radio #2
Listen to the radio in Chapter 2.

Radio #3
Listen to the radio in Chapter 3.

Radio #4
Listen to the radio in Chapter 4.

Radio #5
Listen to the radio in Chapter 5.

Victory #1
Survive the attack of the Bendy robots on the boat in Chapter 5.

Victory #2
Survive the fight with the huge inky hand in Chapter 5.

Victory #3
Survive the flood in Chapter 5.

Peekaboo! Get jumpscared by Bendy cutouts in Chapter 1.

Once Again?
Get jumpscared once again by Bendy cutouts in Chapter 1.

They're back!
Get jumpsacred by Bendy cutouts in Chapter 2.

They're not done yet!
Get jumpsacred by Bendy cutouts in Chapter 3.

Find some light in your life...
Find the flashlight in Chapter 1.

Successful escape
Escape the ink demon in Chapter 3.

Change of pressure
Turn 5 valves in Chapter 2 and open the gate.

Listen to Louis Clark's tape in Chapter 2.

A bridge to new opportunities...
Lower the bridge in Chapter 3.

Small haos...
Open the ventilation by using the conveyor belt in Chapter 4.

Get all memories back!
Find the last memory machine in Chapter 5.

Bad Ending
Get the bad ending to this story.

Good Ending
Get the good ending to this story.

Say hi #1
Meet someone in the Chapter 5

Say hi #2
Meet someone in the Chapter 5

Hack machine!
Find the easter egg in Chapter 1!

Excellent writer...
Find the easter egg in Chapter 2!

Hello Abby!
Find the easter egg in Chapter 3!

Find the easter egg in Chapter 4!

Inky Hell
Find the easter egg in Chapter 5!

Into the Deep
Find the easter egg in Chapter 5!

Find an important secret in Chapter 4...

Find an important secret room in Chapter 4...

Into the Deep...
Into the Deep...

Find an important secret in Chapter 5...

Die before the adventure even starts... (in Chapter 5)