
Umbrella is Eliminated
He’s WHAT! (A Moronic Night)

Beat Night 1 (A Moronic Night)

Mr. Moonpie
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Wait what
Click on the thing that says UwU (A Moronic Night)

Lmao get rekt
It’s pretty obvious (Night Frights)

Damn that win music tho
Beat Night 1 (Night Frights)

Fork Stands no chance
Beat a night without Fork disabling your camera (Night Frights)

Click the sussy baka (Night Frights)

Who Needs Flashing
Beat a night with the flash completely empty (Night Frights)

Cross Checked
Get scared by the hockey guy (Night Frights)

Spider Bite
Get ambushed by the spider (Night Frights)

One Night Two Crazies
Beat a night with Chris and Betty the only ones active (Night Frights)

A Unique Umbrella
Die to every character (Night Frights)

Access to Cool New Features
Beat The Other Night (A Moronic Night)

Grand Finale
Beat the Max Mode (A Moronic Night)

We do be vibing
Beat The Other Night (Night Frights)

Uh Guest Boy Bash Reference
Click on the funni guitar man (Night Frights)

The Thiccness Returns
Beat a night with 2013 Bud the only one active on 20 (Night Frights)

Aw hell naw
Beat a night with Only Fork 2 and Ging Ging active Lights off the entire night no looking at time (A Moronic Night)

Sad Random
Beat the Max Mode (Night Frights)

Fork Stumped
Make Fork disable your camera twice but beat the night

Mr. Game & Play
You’ve obtained every trophy in A Moronic Night

Challenge to Win
You’ve obtained every trophy in Night Frights