Comments (19)
AH! Thanks so much for the early look! I'll probably be back for another episode, but as always, amazing work!
I'm just gonna leave this here. The videos are a bit older but damn am I excited for more!
Graphics seem pretty good
The reason I love playing demos is because they save me the trouble of asking for a refund later. The reason I say that is because I did not really find this game as fun as I was hoping. Honestly, I had more fun in the tutorial stage.
Dammit, looks like I missed my chance to play the demo. I was gonna follow this until I played the older games I've been following. But I guess I'm too late.
Game Soundtrack
HyperParasite OST - Space Marine
Relentless twin-stick shooter/brawler with rogue-like elements set in the roaring 80's.
Snatch. Zap. Repeat.

Relentless top-down, shoot 'em up action!
Being able to snatch the bodies of nearly every weapon-wielding homosapien you encounter ensures bullet hell almost never ceases.

Intelligent zapping!
A happy trigger-finger alone won't suffice; multiple character classes, host-specific abilities and a skill-based progression system means you'll be working to one-up the human race even without bullets.

Extreme level re-playability
Procedurally generated levels, multiple game-play objectives, grueling waves of enemies and deranged bosses, all while the possibility of perma-death looms; prepare to die. A lot.

Co-operative Gameplay
Too intense? Bring a friend!

...perpetuated by a unique 3D-pixelated art style, absurdly bright neons, obnoxious styling and robotic synthesizer sounds. It's the roaring 80's alright, with a dash of dystopia.

It’s the 80’s all over again. Only this time, the human race has more than an obnoxious pop culture to contend with.
With World War III nearing its demise, Earth only just begins to catch its breath when it is threatened by yet another menace. Unlike the preposterous mullets of its inhabitants however, this one’s invisible – a parasitic organism capable of making hosts of unsuspecting human beings, consuming what’s left of their souls and wreaking unfathomable havoc.
And it’s spreading. With a vengeance.
Martial laws have been declared to make way for a global hunt, battle-hardened law enforcers have made allies of the most degenerate of criminals, while the rest of the world is paralysed with paranoia; yet who can be trusted? Who can see it, let alone destroy it? That’s for them to worry about. For you are the enemy.
You are the organism with a mission. You are… HyperParasite.
Minimum Requirements:
Quad Core @3.00GHz
8 GB Ram
DirectX 11 video card (1 Gb)
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans