
in control???
IN CONTROL - REMAKE is now in development :D
A short game about the pros and cons of autosaving. but it's really hyperbolic
This game was originally made almost 4 years ago. I just happened to get an email that someone had played it (I'm not sure how). I replayed it myself and wow is it unfinished and a mess, but I'm actually proud of younger me for creating something with relatively complex branching.
The rest of the description is what it was over 3 years ago. Enjoy :)
This is the first proper game I've ever actually made. I've tried to make a couple things before, like a batch file (cmd) game, but these never worked out. I'm mainly posting this here because I'd like to receive feedback on everything (apart from the visuals and art, I'm no artist and I hate art) because game making has always been something I want to do and I'm trying to get into it properly now. Oh yeah and this was all made in 4 days. All of it. More info on stuff in the README file.
Autosave is always around, and sometimes games save when we don't want them to. This short game is all about that. Try to escape the consequences? You can't, autosave baby!
Who's in control?
You might think you're in control of your game, but are you really? Evas begs to differ.
My common sense went out the drain making this there is literally no plot he
Branchingg choices!!!11!
This 10 minute game has as much replay ability as... another game? There's like 10 different branches and 2 endings ok I'll add more later maybe
Visual cues - some things like images and text either show too early or too late.
Can I be bothered to fix this? maybe
Despite this game being all about autosaving, there's actually a bug with it (omygod), so if you quit at an exact point between two autosaves the game will actually get a bit confused and set you back to the previous autosave, like any other game, but the dialogue is a litte.... strange.
Tags: #horror #puzzle #retro #short #branchingchoices #multipleendings #violent #terrible #awful #imnotevenkiddingthisisverybad