
Demons Castle
Do you want to see a real castle with demons, where you can be mercilessly killed at any time? But be careful, there are rumors that no one enters the castle. In this game there will be a lot of blood, not recommended for the faint-hearted.
Вы хотите увидеть настоящий замок с демонами, где тебя могут в любой момент убить беспощадно? Но осторожно, ходят слухи, что войдя в замок никто не выходит. В этой игре будет очень много крови, не рекомендуется слабонервным.
!!!! WARNING !!!!
Chrome browser will display a warning about the harm to your computer, do not worry. It's alright. Just click on the "Save" button. This is due to the file extension ".jar". ISS Games and CoolRash guarantee that nothing will happen to your computer.
Браузер Chrome выведет предупреждение о вреде компьютере, не волнуйтесь. Всё нормально. Нажмите просто на кнопку "Сохранить". Это происходит из за расширение файла ".jar". ISS Games и CoolRash гаранитрует, что с вашим компьютером ничего не случится.
This game published by ISS Games.
This game develop by CoolRash.
Cover music by DJ Monster. (Follow instagram: @ivanov_ilya_semenovich )
What is ISS Games? If you are for some reason tired of AAA-games, then to your attention ISS Games will please mini-games to crush the time was not boring. In my childhood, we also played a lot of mini-games. Thanks for playing. Wait for more games from ISS Games.
ISS Games search developer games. About ISS: https://coolrash.jimdofree.com/iss-games/