
Comments (15)

What do you think?

I tried this but im not really sure what to think of it
the idea is good since i like this kind of games but there is a lot missing

for example i think it would be great to have some kind of description on every item
ok wood is wood sure but like what gets healed restored if you eat drink whatever wich item to use against the spiders poison in the mine and so on

also some kind of worldmap or something since i have been running around like forever not finding anything nor the way back to my tent

oh and what do i have to do to get rid of all these zombies the only usefull thing is the lighter skill and it still takes lie forever to kill only one not to speak about a whole hord of zeds

looking forward to updates thought
Lg Tenshi

The screenshots are a bit old. New ones are on there way

whats survive mean in your game title?

awesome game
how do i change my name? unknown is kind of lame...

In one of the following updates there will be drank drugs and tabacco added and they will add states



Version: 1.0.0almost 8 years ago
This is a demo version which you can play untill lvl 10, this not only because there is going to be a paid version but also simply because there isn't much after this at the moment. There are plans though for new features but for now I have to keep it at this.

Game Soundtrack

5 songs

stranded on a island. dont know what to do.

thats what its about. so stay alive and return to the world again.


-more weapons

-more enemies

-more food and drinks

-abonded buildings

-simple quests

-way more shizzle

mail: [email protected]

mail me there for ideas and support


Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Strong Language
Mature Humor

New version

Back from the grave

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