
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I'm loving it so far: simple yet efective formula. Now we can race iconic cars like in the movie Ready Player One! Here's some feedback:
-If the bomb mode bus were the same bus as in the movie Speed that would be awesome!
-I only found one glitch: after the sun rises shadows flicker all over the circuit. Other than that the game worked fine.
-The movie logo should be on the lower left side (instead of the upper left) in order to make it easier to choose the leftmost paint colors.

The good
Graphics are nice
controls are comfortable.
a good selection of vehicles
varied stats
several game modes

The bad
Too grindy with upgrades and a lack of a open world type place where i could explore and relax hurt this experience.
and i don't know about others but i think you cannot enjoy going max speed with the faster cars much do to the traffic.
it's a shame there wasn't a mode with no cars on the road so you can just drive.
also i think having a bio for each vehicle giving it's history,name ect would have been a nice inclusion.
and while the level up system is nice.with the kind of game play this has.i don't feel it really adds to the experience.
i imagine most people wouldn't play enough to unlock and max every car since there is no point in doing so.

a decent way to spend a little time but some improvements could be made to make this a more pleasant experience.

can just hold space to easily travel with no repercussions.
i don't even see this reset being necessary. i never got stuck.

some vehicles cannot change color (like the black truck with the red line on the side)

you really shouldn't have to buy the paint/tires for every vehicle.

it's unfortunate that the game does not tell you what the vehicle is called.

you won't know what upgrades do until you buy them.

I came across this amazing free 1989 batmobile 3d model!:
I imported the .IGS model into 3D modelling software, and at the lowest settings the topology, abeit not symetrical, has a very mangeable ammount of polys (around 120k tris) and still retains all of the detail. It is the most accurate model that I've seen on the Internet so far.
I don't know if it could be used.
If I had the time, I myself would model a cockpit (Found some excellent pictures of a cockpit movie prop they used for the inside shots in the movies), or maybe even do a retopology on this model in order to have a low poly, symetrical, quad based mesh. LOL, I wish I had tons of time, the things I would do...


Iconic Cars Highway Challenge

Version: 1.2.0almost 7 years ago

This is an arcade game where you can drive iconic cars from variants movies or tv shows, like KITT or the BATMOBILE.


Version 1.2 is available !

Hi !
Today I release the version 1.2
It contains some bug fix and some musics.
Feel free to give me feedback and tell me what car do you want to see in this game, thanks.

New Version Available

Hi !
Today i uploaded a new version.
This version contains small fix
Logo to represent the car
A new scenary for the menu

Feel free to give me feedback !