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Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago

Imperium is a simple and unique text-based adventure game. Made in python, this short story lets you figure out how to progress. The play-time is from 15 - 25 min. If you have any issues or questions, please ask me! :)

#adventure #puzzle #textadventure #rpg #retro #analog #survival #arcade

Fantasy Violence

The game writing is done! It has 3 possible endings. There are 5 chapters, at the end of each you get a password. Enter this to pick up where you left off.

The game is releasing soon! I'm thinking that i'm going to use the pay-what-you want system, but may make it free. I'm going to do a few play-tests when i'm done to say how long the game is.

Added combat:

I make a quick combat system. The game will randomly generate a number, and you will have to repeat it within a certain time to land a hit. This should be fun, as I can change your time and amount of numbers to adjust difficulty.
