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A fast pace battle royal. For players who may not have the time to play for long but also good for casuals. The new battle royale is coming out as soon as possible! #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

I had a lot of stress an stuff to deal with, so the game was put on pause on production for the past 2 days. Now we're going to be back on track and back to creating the game!

Heyo, I regret to inform you we are forced to restart due to a bug that has basically corrupted the entire game. Hopefully it will be better when we redo it!

Hello everyone! I'm here to tell you we have a discord and a twitter now! Here they are!

Hey! This game is currently being worked on. If you'd like to hear updates, follow the game page and we'll most likely also make a Discord. Right now we are working on gun and health mechanics! I hope to give you more updates soon!
- Aidan, Dev Team