Comments (16)
Seriously? Burzum's illa tidandi in the watches ringing, poster with burzum's aske EP
are you a fan of Varg?
please, answer
This is an interesting game I think some of the puzzles are a tad hard but, i'm not really too good at puzzles. Thought this was a kidnap horror game but, it gets weird not in a bad way just weird! Cool mechanics are sprinkled in here and there like the hiding parts.
Well, I gave this game a try, not that I really think it's bad, but I'm probably not gonna wishlist this on Steam.
The full game is available on Steam !
Demo available (English/French)
Demo review from AlphaBetaGamer
Demo review from Peach's Castle
JORRY is a horror point & click game inspired by the classics of the 90's, including
an action and survival game play.
Fully playable with the mouse, it requires dexterity for the fights and logic for the riddles.
This game contains violent scenes in 16bit, it is intended for an adult audience...
Claire regains consciousness tied up and trapped in an unknown room.
She does not remember anything, she feels like everything fell apart.
How to escape from this nightmare and who is this mysterious little girl who seems to know her?
Resolution 320x200 16bit
Real time battles.
Retro particle effects.
Original music and sound effects
Contains zombies :)
JORRY est un point & click d'horreur inspiré par les jeux des années 90, comprenant des phases d’action et de survie.
Jouable entièrement à la souris, il réclame de la dextérité pour les combats et de la logique pour les énigmes.
Ce jeu contient des scènes de violence en 16bit, il est destiné à un public adulte...
Claire reprend connaissance ligotée et prisonnière dans une chambre inconnue.
Elle ne se souvient de rien, tout semble s'être effondré autour d'elle.
Comment s'échapper de ce cauchemar et qui est cette mystérieuse petite fille qui semble la connaître ?
Résolution 320x200 16bit
Combats en temps réel.
Effets de particules rétro.
Musiques et bruitages originaux.
Contient des zombies :)